To help reduce accidents and meet state and federal requirements, a Youth Tractor and Machinery Safety Certification Course is being held by UW-Extension Washington, Ozaukee, Walworth, Sheboygan, & Fond du Lac Counties. The course requires 24 hours of classroom instruction, homework assignments, and practice driving and focuses on a broad range of safety aspects for operating farm equipment. To complete the course, youth must attend the virtual zoom sessions, complete the homework assignments, and pass a written and driving exam.
Class will be held:
Tuesdays 7pm-8pm: April 6, 13, 20, 27
June 19: in-person exam (tentative)
The course includes classroom safety instruction for tractors and farm machinery operation, hazard recognition and correction, general farm safety knowledge, and how to approach farm safety with a positive attitude. In addition, the course is designed for youth ages 14-15 who need the federal certificate of training for employment on farms, youth ages 12-16 who will be operating tractors or self-propelled farm machinery on public roads for their own family, and youths interested in tractor and machinery safety. Youth must be the minimum age of 12 to register. Youth who drive a tractor for their parents may still do so without the formal training program if they do not operate the tractor on a public road.
If you intend to hire youth on your farm, make sure that they enroll in this course for your protection as well as theirs. The cost of the course is $40.00 per student and is limited to the first 40 paid participants.
You can register here. The deadline is April 2nd.