GREENVILLE, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — The Smart Girls Rock event was held today and gave about 100 area high school girls hands-on experience to show what a career in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field would look like.
Women from many local businesses in northeastern Wisconsin provided their expertise and advice to girls interested in STEM. “It’s okay if you get messy. It’s okay if you fail.” Said Michelle Zimmer-Maertz with Menasha Corporation. “Fail forward and just keep at it.”
Cylcyce Wilson is a senior at Fox Valley Lutheran, and is planning to attend Milwaukee School of Engineering after graduating. She attended the event to explore opportunities for her future. “I’m really happy that I grew up in an area that has a lot of STEM opportunities” said Wilson.
Smart Girls Rock was hosted by the Fox Cities Chamber.